George Post Photography - Zappshooter


This page describes how to send your work to George Post Photography for creation of ZAPP® and/or Juried Art Services (JAS) images. Your success at juried shows depends on your presentation to the show's jury: more and more shows accept only ZAPP® and/or JAS images. George Post can help you with professional ZAPP® and/or JAS presentations.

Please telephone (510-237-0197) or eMail first to discuss your photographic needs and to make sure we can fit you into our calendar.

  - George Post Photography
  - Procedure & Pricing
  - Image Formatting
  - Uniformity & Arrangement

At certain peak times, such as just before the end-of-summer deadlines for next year's show jurying, we are extremely busy. We will always work hard to meet your deadlines, but it's better not to wait until the last minute to contact us.

Northern California clients are encouraged to bring your work to our Richmond studio, so we can work with you collaboratively in order to produce photographs which will meet your approval.

Distant clients may send their work via insured UPS, FedEx, or USPS.
How to Send Your Work to George Post Photography Be sure to pack your pieces carefully in cushioned packaging which will be easy for us to open and re-pack.
How to Send Your Work to George Post Photography Please avoid packing materials which self-destruct as we unload your shipment, as we will need to re-use the same packaging to return your pieces safely.
How to Send Your Work to George Post Photography Pieces (especially jewelry) must be clean, polished, and ready to shoot. Please avoid packing materials such as cotton or excelsior which cause lint and dust problems.
How to Send Your Work to George Post Photography Finally, include explicit and specific instructions, sketches, and valuation for return shipping. If we have any questions we'll contact you before beginning the studio session.

Clients who have existing color slides can send them to us for scanning and formatting for ZAPP® and/or JAS. If you're already a client, we probably have slides in our archives of every piece we've ever photographed for you; in that case you can order scanning and jury-file formatting with a simple phone call or eMail.

ZAPP recommended - George Post Photography George Post Photography
5835 Bouquet Avenue
Richmond CA 94805
510-237-0197 Tel
510-236-0519 Fax

See our other websites at:
- (a homepage with info about our general photo services for artists and craftspeople)
- (George's personal work and stock photography)

George Post
and Pricing
Jury Image
Image Uniformity
& Arrangement
Site Map

All information and photographs on this site are © 2006 by George Post; all fine art & craft designs are © 2006 by the participating artists.

digital photography for ZAPPlication, How to Send Your Work to George Post Photography Juried craft fair and art show photographs - George Post Photography